Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Engineering.
Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Engineering programme is anchored on the view that well trained human resource with cross-cutting functional competencies are key for innovatively influencing policy development; planning and guiding implementation of agricultural mechanization, soil and water Conservation, environmental engineering of agricultural systems and utilization for improved and sustainable agricultural production (food, fodder and fibre) to realize food security and minimize reliance on importations; agricultural structures and processing of agricultural produce for value addition, longer shelf life and reduced wastage; and, development and utilization of green energy technologies based on contextual and scientific evidence for sustainable development.
Admission Requirements
The applicants should be holders of a Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering or discipline from any other institution recognized by Egerton University senate. The applicant shall be required to submit to the Department of Agricultural Engineering a Research Proposal for review with the application.
An applicant shall be admitted to doctoral candidacy in Agricultural Engineering fields after satisfying all Egerton University general requirements, including passing the Research Proposal defense.